Big Book Giveaway!

Want a chance to win over 20 ebooks? All you have to do is leave a review for the Together We Stand anthology on or before August 9th. Post a link or photo of your review to the FB post in the Together We Stand Party Room, or post it on Instagram and tag me...

Together We Stand

Long time no post…the girls are keeping me busy! Attempting to get much of anything done with a two year old and a nine month old is pretty much a lost cause, but I’m trying! I have a new short story coming out on August 1st, as part of the Together We...

Looking forward to 2019!

Happy New Year! 2018 was a wonderful year! We had our beautiful baby girl, my sister got married and I published 5 new books. So what can we look forward to in 2019? I have a short story coming out in an anthology on January 15th called “That Crazy Chick from...

Update: New releases, appearances, and more!

Hi everyone, I know I’ve been a little MIA lately. Things have been very busy with the baby and trying to get ready for the holidays. I’ve had two new releases, and another one out this coming Friday, and yet another one on December 24th. Two are holiday...

New Release Next Week and a New Mailing List!

Hi Readers! I’ve got a few updates for you! First off, if you haven’t already seen it I have a new cover for you AND a release date! Playing with Michael, book one in my new short story series, Love Me or Leave Me, will be out on November 9th 2018. Next...