25 Life Experiences Romance Authors Should Have

Here’s something fun for Wednesday! A list that combines funny, and realistic experiences romance authors should have within their lifetime. Some of them are just meant to be a little goofy, others are actually helpful, and some are genre specific. How many have...

Music Monday with Jeff Forgeron

In re-launching the blog, I wanted to add something in addition to interviews with authors, my own musings on writing, and the Hook me Harder feedback posts. I decided the best way to do that was to blog about, and give some love to Canadian artists. Visual artists,...

Tempt Me Thursday with Gabrielle G

Last weekend I donated a prize basket to a local event, and Gabrielle G was one of the lovely authors who donated a book for me to add to the basket. I invited her to tell us a bit about herself and her books, so please welcome Gabrielle G! How do you process and deal...

Tempt Me Tuesday with Joz Maxel

Last weekend I donated a prize basket to a local event, and invited authors to donate a paperback if they’d like. Joz Maxel kindly offered up one of hers, so I decided to feature her on the blog today! Please give a warm welcome to Jox Maxel!     Which of your...

Giveaways and Contests

I love doing giveaways and contests, unfortunately I’m limited by finances when it comes to my giveaways, however this month I was able to put together a fun basket for a local event in my hometown. A local lady named Jennifer Richardson has put together a Road...