Thanks for Having MeWhether you celebrate Christmas or not your family probably has traditions that they follow. They may be centred on a holiday you celebrate, or maybe a particular season is important, or a milestone that you somehow honour each year click this over here now. I wanted to share with you some of the holiday traditions that the Fuller’s celebrate in My Mistletoe Master, and explain the inspiration behind them.

The Fuller’s Holiday Party

Who doesn’t love a good party?  From the jump I knew there was going to be a big party where Nick and Amelia would get a little frisky.  The whole premise of the story was their hidden relationship so what would be more fun than wearing a panty vibrator at a get together surrounded by family and friends (did I say fun….maybe exciting, exhilarating, or…naughty).  The idea probably came in part from the movie The Ugly Truth, along with all the new products on the market (for example: Durex Fundawear ). But as the story grew and the characters came alive the party grew. I wanted them to be able to dance, and socialize. I wanted to introduce the ex-boyfriend, and I wanted Nick and Amelia to be able to slip away for some um…private time.

Christmas Eve Gifts

Growing up in my house we had a Christmas tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve. It was always Christmas PJs. We would also get to open one gift as a family. This family gift was a board game. So we’d sit in our new PJs and play the game as a family on Christmas Eve. Spending time together was really important in our household. Each holiday that came around was special and carried specific traditions with it. This one just happened to make it into the book.


If you live somewhere where it snows in the winter, you’ve probably built a snowman. In My Mistletoe Master Nick gets roped into building a snowman with Amelia’s eight year old twin cousins. The inspiration for this scene came from a story my husband told me.  When his niece was young he would sometimes babysit her, and she had him wrapped around her little finger. He was roped into building a snowman for her.  She kept insisting on him making it bigger.  He tells me there was no more snow in the backyard to make it bigger.  And it wasn’t a small backyard!

What kind of traditions are important to your family?